Threesome: a game for two
In Threesome, you and one other person have a threesome. Come up with a little bio for your starting character, including a name. Don't discuss this with the other player. Write down "List of characters" and put the name of the two starting characters on it. At least one of these two characters is going to have a threesome soon. Decide which player is going to choose where the first scene is set. They're player 1. Turn 1. Play a short conversation between the two starting characters. Do they know each other, or are they just meeting? Pay close attention to the setting of the conversation and each character's role in the social fabric, including other people they know, and any relationships they are in. Update the "List of characters" as you go. On turn 2, player 1 picks a character from the list. Player 2 picks another character, and chooses a setting for the turn. Play out a conversation between the two. At the end of the turn, roll 1d4. On a 1, you...