
Showing posts from July, 2024

Monsterhearts AP: Blue Ridge High

A game of Monsterhearts! Misha, Lani, and Divya. Lani has played a good deal of 5e. Misha has played my vampire game and some OSR. Divya completely new. I explained the concept of the game -- play out the messy lives of queer teen paranormal romance and horror, like in Vampire Diaries, Twilight, and similar. Turned out we had very view Twihards in attendance (actually I was the only one) and the most common reference point was Riverdale. I also explained the medium of roleplay, conversation. You say what happens for things under your authority. In this case, just one character, for whom you advocate, their thoughts and actions. I say everything about the other people and world, though I'll often ask the others to say things instead. We read aloud the principles for the game. We read aloud the skins and everybody picked one. Lani chose werewolf, Misha vampire, and Divya infernal. This got the group buzzing. The skins are such fun! I talked about the dangerous topics we

7/10/24 actual play: no country for fantasy men

First official playtest of my fantasy heartbreaker, tentatively named Coup Étrange. I ran the game for Patrick and Tschesae, playing a magician and a commoner respectively. Before they made their characters, I gave them the prompts: As the huge red sun gutters in the sky, fabulous, trivial men scheme and cavort in the monuments of dead civilizations Magic is misunderstood and forgotten technology Patrick's character, Marigold, before the start of play Tschesae's character, Karl, after the end of session I had prepared for a third player, Adam, but his internet went out so he couldn't attend. My session prep consisted of a relationship map, a list of forces for two groups of gangsters, and the layout of an extremely barebones dungeon, actually just a house with some treasure, a trap, and clues. Most of this wound up being unimportant for the scenario. The relationship map was composed almost entirely out of characters from the three players' contacts, with two additions,