Medieval economy and production, plus some equipment listings
I'm not a historian. If you want real knowledge, go to a historian. If you want something gameable, read on. The market in medieval times was not the supermarket of today. Obviously! People brought goods to market in market towns, about twice a week. On such days you can buy any common good, straight off, from a stall. If it's not a market day, you can still buy food, but you'll have to order other items from workshops. (Small towns have markets every week or every two weeks.) Prices are generally static throughout the medieval period, for a few reasons -- constant deflation from the trade balance with Asia, relative stagnation in the productivity of labor, and, most importantly, laws setting price ceilings on common goods, and trade unions setting prices for everything else. So you don't need to worry about modelling dynamic prices for goods. You do have to worry about the availability of goods, and the time it takes to produce them. Basic price list So if the gang wa...